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So far beautiful-creations has created 33 blog entries.

Under Armour Rush Advertorial for Hearst Magazines

Off the back of Brexit - we teamed up with Burning Reel, Hearst Magazine and Under Armour Rush to capture the ultimate UK vs Germany fitness challenge to be featured on Men's Health and Women's Health online magazines and social media. Alongside the fierce and fun-natured fitness challenges - our esteemed athletes rate Under Armour Rush sports clothing.

Under Armour Rush Advertorial for Hearst Magazines2022-02-17T19:04:24+00:00

CBRE Sponsored Property Cycle Ride

We helped CBRE in the produce a short documentation of their sports event that is highly acclaimed for being the world’s biggest property cycle ride. The purpose of the event was to generate awareness and funds for charity partner Action for Children and our task was to cover the cycle action. The day brought together over 1,000 cyclists whose challenge was to cover 100km’s through the infamously steep and windy roads of Surrey Hills. We travelled light for this quick-fire event with an elite 2-person film crew, [...]

CBRE Sponsored Property Cycle Ride2022-05-02T21:47:14+00:00
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